
You learn Dutch with the best teaching materials

Course materials

0 to A2-B1
The curriculum of the beginners courses is based on the book and website of Nederlands in Gang, our own study guides, the Quizlet program and our own YouTube channel for grammar. In the A2-B1 course you also do the first two chapters and online assignments of Nederlands in Actie.


B1 and B2
In the B1 courses we use Nederlands in Actie, our own study guides, Quizlet, our own YouTube channel for grammar, sample exams for program I and additional online reading and listening assignments. We use the same material in the B2 courses, but Nederlands op Niveau as course book.


In the C1 courses (C1.1 and C1.2) you will further practice giving presentations, conducting discussions and talking about complex (scientific) topics. You learn many new words. You repeat and practice with the words that structure a text. You will work on summarizing a text, both writing and speaking. Attention is also paid to pronunciation and you practice grammar.

The study material: we work with Nederlands naar Perfectie (the book and the website). We also use the Study Guide developed by Lest Best.


Exam training 
In the exam training you practice recent sample exams, supplemented with additional online reading and listening assignments.


B2+ Spreken & Schrijven 
In the B2+ course you use our own study guide, supplemented with online assignments.


Conversation lessons
In the conversation lessons you get a theme for each lesson, along with vocabulary and assignments.

A1 Dutch course

Course material costs

MaterialsCostsUsed in course
Nederlands in gang (NIG)€48,50A1, A2 and A2-B1
Nederlands in actie (NIA)€48,50A2-B1, B1.1 and B1.2
Nederlands op niveau (NON)€48,50B2.1 and B2.2
Van Dale beeldwoordenboek (NBW)€20,00From A1
Van Dale pocketwoordenboek (VD)€22,50From A2-B1
Van Dale online woordenboek (VDO)€16,50From A2-B1
Thematische woordenschat (TW)€45,00B2.1 and B2.2
Study guide Lest Best€20,00All courses

The costs for the study guides (€ 20) are compulsory. Our study guides are renewed every course period. You only pay the costs for the books if you do not already have the book. For example, if you redo a course, the books will not be charged again. You can also purchase the books yourself. You can indicate your preference during the intake interview.