We’re not going to lie. Our Dutch A2-B1 course is probably the most difficult one you’ll take at Lest Best. But unsurprisingly, we have a good reason for that. After all, by making your way through the challenging taalhandelingen (= ‘speech acts’) of this course, your Dutch language knowledge will take a big leap forward! You’ll be ready to take on level B without any worries.
There’s a lot of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary you’ll learn to master, but also some emphasized subjects you’ll learn about by interviewing your classmates. We’ll go over a few to give you an idea. Just imagine how often you’ll be speaking Dutch while taking these lessons. Hint: all the time!
Wat is je droombaan?
What are some questions you’ll learn to answer when talking about your job experience and dream job? Here are some examples. See if you’re able to answer a few in Dutch!
- Wat was je droombaan als kind? (= ‘What was your dream job when you were young?’)
- Welke baan zou je nooit willen doen? (= ‘What job would you not like doing?’)
- Wat was je studie in je eigen land? (= ‘What did you study in your home country?’)
- Wat was je beroep in je eigen land? (= ‘What was your profession in your home country?’)
- Wat doe je nu? (= ‘What do you do now?’)
- Waarom heb je hiervoor gekozen? (= ‘Why did you decide to do that?’)
- Wat zijn enkele positieve punten aan je werk of studie? (= ‘What are some positive aspects of your job or study?’)
- Wat zijn je plannen op het gebied van werk of studie? (= ‘What are your career or study plans?’)
Zin in een nieuwe baan (= ‘eager to start a new job’)? When you take our A2-B1 course, we’ll dive into a text that explains how to apply for a job in seven steps. You’ll also watch a video on the Dutch job application process.
Waar zou je naartoe willen?
Reizen (= ‘traveling’) is a topic that offers a lot of taalhandelingen in this course. You won’t just be discussing Dutch and international tourism and different kinds of accommodation. You’ll also learn about the irrealis moods (to refer to a different reality), how to pose a polite question, and how to express a wish or complaint. There will also be role-playing, with you and your fellow students acting like hotel guests and managers. Lastly, you’ll learn how to offer advice in Dutch, for example by saying: Als ik jou was, zou ik in Nederland op vakantie gaan (= ‘If I were you, I would go on holiday in the Netherlands’).
Here are some questions you’ll learn how to answer.
- Naar welk land zou je graag op vakantie willen gaan? (= ‘What country would you like to vacation in?’)
- Waar zou je niet naar toe willen? (= ‘Where wouldn’t you like to go?’)
- Als je een hotelkamer zou boeken, welk uitzicht zou je dan kiezen? (= ‘If you were to book a hotel room, which view would you pick?’)
- Op welke aspecten kun je een hotel beoordelen? (= ‘What are the features you can judge a hotel on?’)
- Hoe kun je een klacht uiten? (= ‘How could you express a complaint?’)
- Zou u even op mijn koffers kunnen letten? (= ‘Would you mind watching my luggage for a moment?’)
Vertel over je favoriete sociale media
Welke media gebruik je het meest (= ‘what media do you use most often’)? In the age of constantly being online, social media is a common subject in any language. Can you already answer the following questions in Dutch?
- Wat zijn je favoriete apps? (= ‘What are your favorite apps?’)
- Naar welke website surf je dagelijks? (= ‘What website do you visit daily?’)
- Hoeveel tijd besteed je aan sociale media? (= ‘How often do you use social media?’)
- Hoe lang kan je zonder internet? (= ‘How long can you last without internet?’)
- Welke populaire media gebruik je niet? Waarom niet? (= ‘What popular media don’t you use? Why is that?’)
- Wat is je favoriete YouTube-kanaal en waarom? (= ‘What’s your favorite YouTube channel and why?’)
Did you manage to answer all the above questions in Dutch? Then here’s an extra challenge for you: Leg uit hoe je favoriete app werkt (= ‘explain how your favorite app works’).
What else will you learn in our A2-B1 course?
Aside from talking about social media, traveling, and your dream job, you’ll learn how to describe objects, give instructions, file a police report, and make a phone call.
We also want you to understand the difference between talking about continuing activities, future plans, and past events. And besides practicing with word order, inversion, clauses, and indirect sentences, you’ll learn a lot more! So if you’ve just finished our A2 course, and you haven’t already, sign up for the A2-B1 course.
Not ready to describe your dream job or holiday just yet? Then have a look at some vocabulary of our A1 and A2 courses to practice your Dutch: