
Privacy statement

Privacy regulations of Lest Best

Lest Best treats personal data with the utmost care and confidentiality and adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More information can be found in our privacy policy. These regulations are available for inspection by staff and participants in our courses and will be mentioned during the intake and registration.

Contact details
The personal data are processed by:

Lest Best B.V.
Newtonlaan 215
3584 BH Utrecht
[email protected] / [email protected]

The privacy regulations apply to the entire process of personal data processing within Lest Best.

Article 1 Processed personal data

Lest Best only stores the following data:
- Name and address details
- Nationality, country of birth and identification data
- Information on training, work and language skills
- Data regarding personal circumstances relevant to the progress process (such as care tasks)
- Details of course results, attendance and absence
- Civic integration data
- Citizen service number
- Visual material (screenshots) attendance registration online lessons

Article 2 Purpose of the processing of personal data

Article 2 Purpose of the processing of personal data
- Communication with the student within the framework of the agreed course
- Data exchange with DUO for exams, diplomas and loans
- Data exchange with the organization conducting the satisfaction survey
- Reporting and accountability to the client
- Reporting and accountability to Blik op Werk
- Compliance with legal obligations (such as tax and social insurance law).
2.2 Personal data is not processed in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which it was obtained.
2.3 Principles
- Lest Best processes the personal data in order to execute the agreement with the client, or to be able to comply with a legal obligation, such as obligations based on the Civic Integration Act
- Lest Best processes personal data because it has legitimate interests in this. These legitimate interests are:
* Being able to provide its services as efficiently as possible
* Protecting her financial interests
* Improving its services
* Security and management of its systems.
- If personal data are processed on the basis of permission, this will be requested separately.

Article 3 Access to personal data

3.1. Only those employees have access to the personal data insofar as this is necessary for the performance of their duties and in accordance with their job description.
3.2. Everyone who has access to the personal data has a confidentiality obligation for the data that he has read on the basis of that access.

Article 4 Processing of personal data

4.1 All responsible employees are accountable for the proper functioning of the processing of personal data and for compliance with the provisions of these regulations. Their actions in the processing of personal data and the provision of data are determined by these regulations.
4.2 All responsible employees take the necessary measures to promote the correctness and completeness of the recorded data. They also provide the necessary provisions of a technical and organizational nature to protect the personal data against loss or corruption of the data and against unauthorized access, modification or provision thereof.
4.3 Personal data will be processed if the data processing is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the data subject is a party, or to comply with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

Article 5 The security of personal data

5.1. Personal data is handled with care. The data is secured for this purpose. There are regulations for this that everyone must adhere to.

Article 6 Provision of personal data

6.1 Unless necessary for the implementation of a legal regulation, the consent of the person concerned is required for the provision of personal data to third parties.

Article 7 Inspection of recorded data

7.1. The person concerned has the right to inspect and copy the data relating to his / her person. The data subject must submit a request to that effect.
7.2. This request will be met within four weeks of receipt.
7.3. The right of access is only granted to the person concerned or his authorized representative. These must be able to identify themselves.

Article 8 Retention periods

8.1. Personal data is no longer kept in a form that allows the identification of the data subject, than is necessary for the purpose for which it is collected or processed.
8.2. Unless otherwise specified, the retention period ends four years after the last contact with the person concerned.
8.3 After termination of the agreement concluded with the client, all data and / or data that can be traced back to the natural person will be deleted four years after termination of the client's supervision. The data necessary for the legal retention obligation will be retained for ten years. This data cannot be directly traced back to the person.

Article 9 Complaints

9.1. If the person concerned is of the opinion that the provisions of these regulations are not complied with, he must contact the management.
9.2. The management will handle the complaint in accordance with the applicable complaints regulations.

You can send questions about these privacy regulations or a request about the processing of your personal data to the Lest Best privacy reporting center: [email protected].

Changes to privacy regulations
This privacy policy was last amended on 19-01-2021.
Lest Best can amend this privacy regulation. New versions are always published on the website. We therefore recommend that you consult these regulations regularly so that you are kept informed of changes.

Notes on data processing in connection with Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Ireland Limited. If the data controller on this website is located outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, Google Analytics data processing is carried out by Google LLC. In the following, Google LLC and Google Ireland Limited are referred to as "Google".

Google Analytics uses so-called "Cookies". These are text files that are stored on the computer of the visitor to the site and that enable analysis of the use of the website by the visitor. The information generated by these cookies about the use of this website by the visitor of the website (including the shortened IP address) is generally sent to a Google server and stored there.

Google Analytics is only used on this website with the extension "_anonymizeIp ()". This extension anonymizes the IP address by shortening it and excludes direct personal references. With this extension, Google shortens the IP address within the member states of the European Union or in other countries that have signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by the respective browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

On behalf of the website operator, Google will use the information collected to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide the site operator with other services related to website activity and internet usage. (Art.6 Para. 1f GDPR). The legitimate interest in data processing lies in the optimization of this website, the analysis of the use of the website and the adaptation of the content. The interests of the users are sufficiently protected by pseudonymisation.

Google LLC. is certified according to the so-called Privacy Shield (see here for listing) and guarantees an appropriate level of data protection on this basis. The data sent and linked to cookies, user IDs (e.g. user IDs) or advertising IDs are automatically deleted after 50 months. Data whose retention period has been reached is automatically deleted once a month.

The visitor of the website can collect data by Google Analytics by adjusting the cookie settings for this website. The collection and storage of the IP address and the data generated by cookies can be refused at any time. The browser plugin for this can be downloaded and installed via the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

The visitor of the site can prevent Google Analytics from collecting data by here to click. An "opt-out cookie" is then placed on the website, which ensures that the data of the website visitor is no longer collected when the visitor visits the website.

More information about the use of the data by Google, the options for settings and objection can be found in the privacy statement of Google (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=nl) and in Google advertising display settings (https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated).